There are currently a number of sites that offer certification and Diploma courses for FREE. Here are some of the courses Career Jamaica recommends for job seekers to improve their marketability in the competitive job market. Use the links to see course info and to apply to earn a certificate…, What does your E-mail Address Say to a Potential Employer About You? Your E-Mail address matters. Using the wrong email address when applying for a job could hurt your chances
Networking has gone completely digital. Just like they have impacted everything else in the free world, sites like Facebook and Linkedin have altered the entire structure of professional networking. Here are a few tips to help you survive in the digital networking age:
What You Need to Know about a Company Before a Job InterviewBefore heading to job interview, it is extremely important that candidates know as much information as possible about the Company/ Organization. Getting this information is fairly simple, and it's a good idea to memorize a few key points to bring up…
5 Things You Should Never do in a Job Interview Congratulations! you have just gotten called in for a job interview. You now need to know the simple ways to candidates make a bad impression during an interview. There are a few things that most Human Resource professionals agree are…
Top Resume Mistakes It is extremely easy to make a mistake on your resume. There is no way to repair the damage that is done once an employer gets it. Preventing these mistakes is the key to landing a job interview and making the best first impression to potential employers.…
Structure of a Cover Letter If you’re unsure how you’re actually going to write a cover letter, it can help to break the letter down into its various parts and concentrate on just one section at a time. Here’s what goes into each of the four main sections of a…
Resume Checkist Did you know that a resume will only get less than a 15-second glance at the first screening?If you don't make a good impression within those 15 seconds, it's straight to the "no pile". Before sending off a resume to an employer, be sure that ALL your answers…