What You Need to Know about a Company Before a Job Interview

What You Need to Know about a Company Before a Job Interview

Before heading to job interview, it is extremely important that candidates know as much information as possible about the Company/ Organization. Getting this information is fairly simple, and it's a good idea to memorize a few key points to bring up during the interview. Human Resource Managers are impressed by interviewees who are well-informed about the company.

Consider researching the following information about the company:

  1. What the company does and what product or service provides “About Us”
  2. The size of the company
  3. How the company started
  4. Company values and goals, usually found in the Vision and Mission Statements
  5. Current projects, work, publications and the work of competitors
  6. Names of key members of staff: Owners, Managing Director, C.E.O, the Interviewer etc.
Most of this information can be found on the prospective employer’s Web Site. A simple online search for the company name should direct you to it. If you are able to get a copy of annual reports this will also be helpful.
Make notes on all this, and commit them to memory before the interview. If you do this, it will be much easier for you to answer common interview questions like “explain why you’re a good match for the company”, “what you can contribute to the company’s goals” and “where you see yourself going with the company in the future”.

Last modified on Thursday, 02 September 2021 14:40
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