Job Information
Client Retention Associate (contract) Company Information
Contact Name
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Job Information
Job Type Full-time
Category Customer Service
Posted 20-09-2024
Job Status
Start Publishing 20-09-2024
Stop Publishing 05-10-2024
[Kingston,Jamaica ]
Applications are invited for the position of Client Retention Associate (contract) in our Sales & Strategy Department at our Kingston Office.

Job Overview

The successful candidate will focus on implementing conservation strategies to boost retention rates, maximizing collection recoveries, and minimizing costs and losses.

Qualifications, Experience, and Skills Required:
  • Five (5) CXC passes, Grades I & II, inclusive of Mathematics & English A (General Proficiency)
  • LOMA Parts I & II
  • LOMA - Associate Customer Service (ACS)
  • At least 3 years’ experience in a client servicing environment, preferably in the insurance industry
  • Proficient in the use of the Microsoft Office Suite (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills to optimize collection effectiveness.
  • Excellent negotiation and analytical skills to coordinate and present alternatives to customers.
For the detailed job description, please visit our website:
Interested persons may apply for this vacancy by submitting a résumé via email to: by Friday, October 4th, 2024.
The subject line of the email should read:
Client Retention Associate (contract) – Application
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