Job Information Issuance Processor Company Information
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Job Information
Job Type Full-time
Category Insurance
Posted 05-09-2024
Job Status
Start Publishing 05-09-2024
Stop Publishing 28-09-2024
[Kingston,Jamaica ]
Applications are invited for the position of Issuance Processor in our Operations & I.T. Department at our Kingston Office
Job Overview
The successful candidate will be responsible for carrying out end-to-end data entry processing of new business and endorsement applications for all company products in accordance with established protocols and standard operating procedures.
Qualifications, Experience, and Skills Required:
  • Associate Degree in Business Administration or similar qualifications.
  • Five CXC/GCE O’Level passes - Minimum of Grade II (CXC): English Language and Mathematics are compulsory.
  • LOMA, ACS certificate, or pursuing same.
  • Two (2) years of experience in a similar environment.
  • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Suite (e.g., Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
  • Strong attention to detail; capable of consistently delivering work with a high degree of accuracy.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills. 
For the detailed job description, please visit our website:

Interested persons may apply for this vacancy by submitting a résumé via email to: by Friday, September 27th, 2024.
The subject line of the email should read: Issuance Processor – Application
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