Job Information
EBA Portfolio Manager Company Information
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Job Information
Job Type Full-time
Department Employee Benefits Administrator Limited
Category Accounting
Posted 03-02-2025
Job Status
Start Publishing 03-02-2025
Stop Publishing 05-02-2025
[Kingston,Jamaica ]
"Looking for a diverse and rewarding career? If you're looking to grow your career within a stable and growing financial services company, then Sagicor may be right for you!"
Employee Benefits Administrators Limited is seeking a suitable candidate to join our Pension Services team in the capacity of: EBA Portfolio Manager
Location: Kingston
As an EBA Portfolio Manager, you will:
  • Oversee the management and operations of a portfolio of pension clients to ensure profitability and client satisfaction.
  • Ensure compliance with the various regulatory requirements.
  • Manage regulatory reporting for superannuation funds:
    • Ensure reports required to conform to the Pension Act and Income Tax Act are prepared within the timelines required by regulators.
    • Continually assess compliance rates for the reports required by regulators.
    • Where compliance rates are below the desired level, implement strategies to result in improvement
  • Manage trustee and member reporting for a portfolio of clients:
    • Ensure reports for trustees and members are prepared as required.
    • Ensure meetings are held with trustees to review the administrative reports prepared for the plan.
  • Ensure benefit payment requests are processed for clients.
  • Maintain client services or relationships.
  • Respond to queries, letters or provide acknowledgement to clients.
  • Attend trustee and member meetings for the assigned portfolio.
  • Provide guidance and support for subordinate team members:
    • Meet with Pension Administrator to provide coaching and to develop work plans.
    • Assess human resources to determine where additional resources are required to handle the portfolio and address any needs.
  • Conduct team member appraisals and provide feedback.
  • Host Team meetings to review performance of the team and strategize as a team.
  • Assist in compiling divisional management reports.
  • Ensure proper documentation are drafted and reviewed for new plans.
  • Host meetings with company and trustee representatives.
  • Assist the marketing department to promote administration services to potential new clients.
  • Perform other job-related duties assigned from time to time.
What do you need?
  • Bachelor’s degree in Management Studies, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics or relevant discipline from a recognized tertiary institution.
  • At least three (3) years working experience in pension administration.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Ability to manage time and resources (material and manpower).
  • Sound knowledge of computer software packages such as spreadsheet applications and pension specific software.
  • Sound understanding of the pension regulatory framework.
If this role is of interest to you, kindly submit an application via Sagicor's career portal no later than February 7, 2025.
While we appreciate all applications, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Please submit your application online using the "Apply Now" Link below:


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